About me...
I've had a varied career to say the least!
Before I became a Primary School Teacher, I worked in PR doing lots of random things such as presenting new lottery winners with giant cheques to meeting the England football team!
Experience in both PR and teaching helped me then start my own tuition business after I had my third child.
As I turned 40, I thought I had everything I'd ever dreamed of: a loving husband, three healthy children, a beautiful home and my own business.
But then the unexpected happened.

Is this it?
My mood hit the floor and my anxiety levels hit the roof!
On a continuous loop in my mind were the questions:
"Is this it?" and "Is this all that life has to offer?"
My confidence plummeted. My mood was erratic.
My husband was even nervous to enter the house sometimes as he didn't know what version of me he'd find.
Sometimes I was raging and shouting, and other times I was a soggy sobbing wreck.
Fast forward four years, and I discovered that a big part of how I was feeling was due to perimenopause.
At first I felt a huge sense of relief that I wasn't going totally mad, but then I felt enraged that I'd wasted four years of my life feeling horrendous just because I didn't know anything about menopause (I'd never even heard of the word perimenopause before!)
So, my mission became to educate myself, and others, about all things menopause and get back to feeling like me again.
But there was more to it...
Once I started delving into the world of health, wellbeing and personal development, I realised that my perimenopause symptoms were only part of the reason why I felt so disconnected from myself and from life.
The truth is, I'm someone who thrives on 'doing' and being busy, but I was living in what I like to call 'robo-stress' mode - my nervous system was jammed on high alert and I was in a constant state of stress. My mind was in constant overdrive, creating a million stories every moment of every day mostly about the type of person I was - none of them positive, and none of them were true!
This way of being was stealing my joy, preventing me from being ME, the true ME, and from truly enjoying life.
I now realise that perimenopause was the catalyst to helping me remember and rediscover the real ME, and am now extremely grateful for that.
Since then, day by day, I've been on a crazy journey of creating inner space so that I can have the calm clarity I craved and the headspace to savour each moment whilst still achieving all that I want in life.

And now...
Well, I've never felt more like myself; I now have a sense of peace and acceptance with who I am and what is. I'm definitely the most confident I've ever been. I'm able to live and enjoy the present moment and not get caught up in the chaos of life like I used to, and I feel like I truly know myself for the first time EVER!
And that's what I want for you too.